Search for local businesses

Find out what products and services they offer and read what their customers really think of them. Find special offers and discover any events they will be putting on or attending. Explore their circles to find similar businesses that might interest you.

Business Name

Use this option if you are looking for a specific business. Please take care to spell it correctly - if you are not sure you can use a * as a wildcard. For example, searching for 'White*' will return any businesses that start with 'White' such as 'White Wolf Development Ltd'.
Searching for *white* will return anything with 'white' in it - including 'White Wolf Development Ltd', but also including any other business name with 'white' in it.

Business Type

General Area

or, Proximity

miles radius of
Postcode tbc appears to be invalid
Note: if you use the proximity search, the values set for General Area above will be ignored.