Frequently asked questions

Need more information or have a question? Check out the answers to our most commonly asked questions.

The Basics:

  • Circles for Communities is a unique way of bringing businesses and customers together in a way that benefits them both. For customers it allows them to find like-minded businesses in an industry that is relevant to them, so that they can be confident that if they have had a good experience with one business they are likely to get similar from the ones working with them in a circle. And for businesses it allows them to put themselves in front of customers who are known to be interested in their industry and who have already had positive experiences with other members of the circle.

    Circles for Communities also allows customers to join circles and gain access to exclusive rewards from the businesses and services in them.

    See the more specific categories below for more information on the benefits for customer and business members or visit the search businesses or search circles pages to find out who is involved.
  • Business Members are simply users who have signed up on the website and then converted their account to a business one so that they can add one or more businesses to the site. They can create new circles and join existing circles as business members.

    In terms of their relationship to a circle they are the suppliers advertising through the site and the circle, bringing in their clients to the benefit of other circle business members, benefiting from customer members introduced by other circle business members and making special offers available to circle customer members.
  • Customer members are standard users who have signed up for the website but have not converted their account to a business one. In terms of their relationship to a circle they are the customers who are looking for suppliers amongst the circle business members.

    Any visitor to the site (irrespective of if they have registered and logged in) can browse and search both businesses and circles and so can find information about relevant businesses and contact them through the site. However, only customer members can join circles and take advantage of any special offers from the circle and receive the monthly circle newsletter.

Filter Questions:

  • Please contact us via the contact page and leave your details and a member of the team will get back to you within 2 or 3 working days
  • Yes, log in to the website and go to your dashboard. You will be taken there automatically if you log in from the home page, but if you log in from anywhere else, or want to return to it any other time while you are logged in, you can do so by clicking on your name in the top right hand corner of each page.

    At the top of your dashboard are a number of options / links including 'My Personal Details' - by going to that page you can update all of the information we have about you.
  • Most of them!

    We may send three main types of email. The first of these are mails from us containing important information about the website and any changes to it. These are part of the service we are providing for you so we don't require your explicit permission to send them. They will be very rare.

    From time to time we may also want to contact you about any special offers we think might be of interest to you. However we will only do this if you give us your explicit consent to do so. You will be asked for this consent when you register on the website and you can change your mind at any time by logging into the website, going to 'My Details' and updating your consent there.

    Finally we would like to send you an update email from each of circles you join as a customer member. This will give you more information about the businesses in the circle and notify you of any special offers available to you and events they are organising. These emails will be sent once a month but again we will only send them to you if you give your explicit permission for us to do so. You will be asked for this consent when you register on the website and you can change your mind at any time by logging into the website, going to 'My Personal Details' (from your dashboard) and updating your consent there.
  • Although we will be sad to see you go, simply visit our contact form and leave your request in the comments box, and we will remove you from the database.
  • We take data protection very seriously, and will never give your information to any third parties. We will use your contact details to communicate with you about the Circles for Communities website when we need to and, if you give us your permission to do so, we will use those details to enable circles to send you their newsletters with the latest special offers and events etc.

    We do not however directly share your contact details with any other members (customer or business) on the website, except where you explicitly ask us to do so by using the 'Request callback' or 'Send Message' functions on the businesses profile pages when we will provide the business with your phone number and / or email address to enable them to respond.

    Where our communications with you are based on and require your consent, you can change your mind about this at any time by logging into the website and updating your preferences on the 'My Details' page. Visit our privacy policy page to find out more about data protection.