Frequently asked questions

Need more information or have a question? Check out the answers to our most commonly asked questions.

The Basics:

  • Circles for Communities is a unique way of bringing businesses and customers together in a way that benefits them both. For customers it allows them to find like-minded businesses in an industry that is relevant to them, so that they can be confident that if they have had a good experience with one business they are likely to get similar from the ones working with them in a circle. And for businesses it allows them to put themselves in front of customers who are known to be interested in their industry and who have already had positive experiences with other members of the circle.

    Circles for Communities also allows customers to join circles and gain access to exclusive rewards from the businesses and services in them.

    See the more specific categories below for more information on the benefits for customer and business members or visit the search businesses or search circles pages to find out who is involved.
  • Business Members are simply users who have signed up on the website and then converted their account to a business one so that they can add one or more businesses to the site. They can create new circles and join existing circles as business members.

    In terms of their relationship to a circle they are the suppliers advertising through the site and the circle, bringing in their clients to the benefit of other circle business members, benefiting from customer members introduced by other circle business members and making special offers available to circle customer members.
  • Customer members are standard users who have signed up for the website but have not converted their account to a business one. In terms of their relationship to a circle they are the customers who are looking for suppliers amongst the circle business members.

    Any visitor to the site (irrespective of if they have registered and logged in) can browse and search both businesses and circles and so can find information about relevant businesses and contact them through the site. However, only customer members can join circles and take advantage of any special offers from the circle and receive the monthly circle newsletter.

Filter Questions:

  • Have you ever asked a business you know and trust to recommend someone else in a related business? We all do this because recommendations from someone we already know and trust are the most valuable especially if they are experts in a similar field and therefore know who's good and who should be avoided.

    By joining a circle that includes a business you know and trust, you will immediately have access to other related businesses that may provide relevant services or products for you and to any special offers they make available.
  • Our aim is to deliver exciting offers right across the country, using themed circles whose members know each other and can recommend each other. We are gradually expanding with circles joining us and we eventually hope to have circles representing all types of industry.
  • The circles are set up around a theme which means that the businesses in the circle are ones that are relevant to that theme and are likely to share a similar customer base.

    For example, our first circle, Pet Hub has partners who have particular areas of expertise in providing services and items needed by pet/animal owners. The businesses in this circle share a pet related theme and therefore offer products and services that are likely to be relevant and of interest to many of each others customers. These could be: Vets, Groomers, Boarding Kennels & Catteries, Pet Friendly Taxi’s, Pet Photographers, Suppliers of Kennels, Coups, Cages and Housing of all kinds, Pet Foods and Accessories, services such as Dog Massage, Trainers and Behaviourists - even Pet Portraits!

    This theming of circles provides benefits to both the business and the customer members of each circle - the businesses gain extra exposure to each other customers and the customers get access to a list of suppliers and service providers who are relevant to them and are likely to provide a similar standard of service to the one you already know.
  • Yes - you don't have to sign up or join any circles to be able to search for businesses and / or circles on the site. You can check out each businesses profile and can even contact them directly through the site. However, in order to benefit from any special offers you will need to create a free account on the website and then join the relevant circle.
  • You first need to register for a free account on the website. Once you have done this you can log in and join the circles that interest you. To do this, log in and visit the circle's home page. On the circle's home page there will be an option to join the circle if you have not already done so.
  • Once you have joined a circle as a customer member you can download a voucher for any of the current offers that are currently available from the businesses in the circle. You can also contact the business directly using the contact details on their profile page or directly through the site using the contact links for them.
  • Of course - you are always in control. Circles for Communities has been designed to benefit both the business and customer members so if you find a circle isn't being of benefit to you, you can leave it at any time.

    To do this, log in and visit the circle's home page. On the circle's home page there will be an option to leave the circle if are a member of it.
  • Nothing, customer membership is free, simply sign up instantly online by clicking on the register link above.